We guarantee the best rate on our website. If you find a better rate, contact us at  57 (601) 5879479 and we will match the price!


  • What time is check-in and check-out at the hotel?

    Check in: 3:00 pm a 4:00 pm 

    Check out: 12:00m a 01:00 pm

  • What is the hotel's policy regarding early arrivals and late departures?

    Early check in: In the event that a guest arrives at the hotel before the established check in time (3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.), they may enter and use the hotel facilities. Access to the room will be subject to availability.

    Early departure: In the event that a guest leaves early, no refund will be made. The remaining amount may be reconciled to settle the expenses made during their stay, or otherwise, a balance will be generated in favor of the guest that may be used during the current year. Except in the case of an early departure due to force majeure or demonstrable unforeseen circumstances, in which case a refund will be made.

    Late check out: Check out time is (12:00 m. to 1:00 p.m.) If a guest leaves the hotel after this time and without prior notice to the reception, it will allow the HOTEL to charge an additional fee for extending the stay, consisting of the charge of an additional night according to the current rates, without prejudice to the entry to the room. In case of prior notice, late check out is subject to room availability, if there is availability, a charge of 50% of the rate will be made until 5:00 p.m. after this time, 100% of the rate will be charged.

  • What is the minimum age to check in at the hotel?

    Minors: If you are traveling with your child(ren) under 18 years of age, you must present the minor(s) identification document (civil registry), which proves the existence of kinship. If the minor(s) are not traveling with their parents, you must provide at reception, in addition to the minor's identification document (civil registry), the parents' permission, which must be authenticated by a Notary and accompanied by a copy of the identification document of those who gave the authorization. If you are a foreigner, you must present an equivalent document. Minors are not allowed to enter the hotel without this documentation. If the Client does not present any of the documents indicated here, the Hotel reserves the right to not allow the entry of the person or persons in the group who do not present the complete documents. In accordance with the provisions of Law 679 of 2001 to Prevent the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents and its corresponding regulations.

  • Where is the hotel located?

    The hotel is located at Calle 6 No. 12-386, Punte Piedra Sector - Primera Ensenada, Coveñas, Sucre

  • Do you offer free parking?


  • What is the nearest airport?

    Airport Golfo de Morrosquillo.

  • Do you offer private transportation service?

    You can request transportation from the hotel, which has two vans and a private car for your transfers. The costs vary depending on the number of passengers. For 1 to 4 passengers, the cost is $70,000 per trip and up. This cost increases depending on the number of people. The hotel vans have capacity for up to 25 people.

  • Do you offer a day pass?


  • How can I book my birthday at the hotel or other types of events at the restaurant?

    Through the reservation office.

  • Reservation center:


    Email: reservas.ash@avianethoteles.com

    WhatsApp: +(57) 321 658 2577

  • What are the hotel's plans?


  • Can I book multiple rooms?

    Yes, through our website or Call Center.

  • Can I bring food and drinks?

    The entry of refrigerators, drinks, liquor or food into the HOTEL is prohibited.

  • What payment methods are offered on the website and at the hotel?

    Cash, credit and debit cards, all payment methods.

  • What is the hotel's cancellation policy?

    GUARANTEE REGULATIONS: Non-refundable rate requires a deposit of 100% of the total amount of the stay, at the time of booking.


    Non-refundable, please note that, if cancelled or in case of no-show, the total value of the reservation will not be refundable. The client can reschedule their reservation for up to one year, subject to availability and current rates. Reservation modifications are subject to availability.

    EXCEPTIONS: Penalties do not apply in case of force majeure, fortuitous event or incapacity of the reservation holder or a first-degree relative. The request for exemption must be accompanied by the corresponding support and submitted as soon as possible through our emails: reservas@hotelpoblado.com and reservas.ash@avianethoteles.com. The money will be refunded minus bank commissions. Rates or promotional plans are not modifiable or refundable.

  • What is the smoking policy at the hotel?

    According to resolution 1956 of March 30, 2008 issued by the Ministry of Social Protection, the use of cigarettes in the rooms, public areas, restaurants and lounges of the HOTEL is prohibited. Failure to comply with these prohibitions constitutes a serious breach of the lodging contract that gives rise to its termination and may be removed from the HOTEL if it has affected other guests, visitors or users. In addition, if the GUEST smokes in the room or in any public space or area, he/she must assume the cost that THE HOTEL must incur to deodorize and clean the space.

  • Does the hotel allow pets?

    Yes, only one small pet is allowed per room (small breeds). The price in high season: $150,000 and the price in mid and low season: $120,000. The service must be requested at the time of booking.

  • What type of currency is accepted at the hotel?

    Colombian pesos.

  • What is the weather like at the destination?

    The climate is warm, the average temperature ranges from 27º to 30º.

  • Should I bring an electrical adapter?

    The voltage in Coveñas is 110 Volts

  • How does public transport work?

    There is no taxi service in Coveñas. Private transportation or motorcycle services are available. For late hours of the night, advance notice must be given to request the service.

  • Is the city water drinkable?

    It is not suitable for human consumption. It is recommended to consume bottled water.

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